This course aims to raise students’ identification with our country and its culture, to cultivate positive values and attitudes such as abiding by the law and upholding national security. An asynchronous learning approach is adopted in this course to allow students to complete the activities anytime and anywhere within the time frame.

The course content of the National and Values Education (NAVE) is developed based on the Values Education Curriculum Framework (2021) of the Education Bureau to suit the needs of tertiary students and will cover five domains.
- Learning through NAVE Online Platform.
- 3 hours per course.
- Study Anytime and anywhere.
Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to learn:
This domain aims to enhance students’ commitment to the protection of the natural and cultural environment of the country and...
This domain aims to promote students’ volunteer and prosocial behaviour, as well as cultivating obligation of students to act and...
This domain aims to establish students’ national identity, enhance their understanding of new national developments and nurture their affection towards...
[Please note: Modules 1, 2 and Part One of Module 3 of Domain 4 are currently available, the rest will be...
This domain aims to enhance students’ awareness of the relational needs of themselves and others by focusing on their intrapersonal...
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