Do you know, in addition to the International Women’s Day, the 1st and the 21st of March are set aside for the theme of #antidiscrimination? On the 1st of March, #zerodiscriminationday kick off the commemoration of the right of everyone to live a full and production life and live it with dignity, highlighting inclusion, peace and above all, a movement for change; while on the 21st of March, we celebrate the International Day for the #EliminationofRacialDiscrimination. 🫶🫶🫶 In commemoration of the equality of rights we have promoted among different races and colours, as well as the efforts in combating racial and ethnic discrimination, the NAVE project team has also created a succinct and impactful video clip on a quotidian discrimination example to raise our awareness of the relevant matters. Let’s spare 3 minutes to enjoy the video! 💪💪💪💪